Have you recently replaced a missing tooth with a dental implant? If so, good for you! Now you’ll have a strong and reliable tooth for many years. However, that’s only the case if you take good care of your dental implant. So, to help you keep your dental implant in tip-top shape, our Lewis Family Dentistry dental team encourages you to do the following things:
–Keep up on oral hygiene: It’s very important to brush your teeth twice a day, floss your smile once a day, and rinse your mouth daily. You can do these things with a soft-bristled toothbrush, fluoride toothpaste, your favorite dental floss, and antibacterial mouthwash. Oral hygiene can help you keep bacteria away from attacking and harming your implant daily.
–Attend your maintenance appointments: Your maintenance appointments are vital if you want to maintain a strong and reliable dental implant. So, make sure you follow the maintenance schedule and come to our office when necessary.
–Visit your dentist: Unfortunately, your dental implant is still vulnerable to gum disease. So, it’s important to visit Dr. Kenneth Lewis for a routine cleaning. The cleaning can remove the disease-causing plaque and tartar from the faces of your teeth and implant, reducing your chances of falling victim to the disease.
Call our office today at 910.488.0518 if you have any questions about how to take good care of a dental implant in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Dr. Kenneth Lewis and our dental team will be more than happy to give you the answers you need so you can keep your implant in tip-top shape. We look forward to helping you!