If your tooth enamel is injured or breached, bacteria can enter the inner portion of a tooth, known as the canal. At the bottom of the canal lies the root, which contains the tooth’s pulp. If bacteria damage the pulp, the tooth cannot expect to survive, unless root canal therapy is used. For more information about root canals, consider the... read more »
Are you looking to fix one of your front teeth that is stained, discolored, chipped, or misshapen? Here at Lewis Family Dentistry, we provide the amazing look of a new tooth through the use of dental veneers. Veneers are a great way to recover and brighten your smile, giving you the confidence to go about your day. To get a... read more »
You finally decided to spoil your smile with a professional teeth whitening treatment. You’re loving your newfound confidence and the renewed brightness of your pearly whites. Finding an excuse to smile is easy as you enjoy sharing its radiance. Touch-ups will be needed from time to time to retain the brightness of your teeth. However, there are ways to keep... read more »
Although keeping your teeth clean and safe from harmful bacteria is a must for optimum oral health, a single oral accident can ruin a lifetime’s worth of progress. However, although you cannot prevent oral accidents in every scenario, you can plan for the best and most productive forms of recovery. A safer smile is a greater smile. Here are some... read more »
Do you have any oral emergency preparation techniques for the summer season? Oral accidents are often more predictable than they are preventable, but there is no denying that sooner or later, one will occur. So, it is best to be prepared in case one should befall you. Listed below are a few illustrations of oral emergencies and their effective treatment... read more »
Do you know what halitosis is? Halitosis is a common oral health disorder often characterized by foul odors emanating from your mouth often due to bacteria. Although not all bad breath is caused by your mouth, it is still often the primary concern. Halitosis can occur in all ages, but it does have a few distinctive causes to note. The... read more »
Save your smile by improving your eating habits. You could be putting your pearly whites at an increased risk of damage based on what you eat. Many foods can increase the rate at which tooth decay can happen, while some can cause oral accidents or injuries to occur, and others can be so acidic that they eat right through tooth... read more »
So far this year, how would you rank your oral health care? Have you been taking as good of care of your teeth and gums as you should? Have you suffered any oral ailments as of late, or have you taken the steps to limit them? No matter what level of oral hygiene you may have, there are always things... read more »
The molars in the back of your mouth are large and often called upon to do the majority of the work grinding and chewing your food. When one has been damaged or decayed, it can significantly impair the overall function of your mouth. This is even more likely to be a problem if the affected molar experiences heightened sensitivity when... read more »
Have you recently replaced a missing tooth with a dental implant? If so, good for you! Now you’ll have a strong and reliable tooth for many years. However, that’s only the case if you take good care of your dental implant. So, to help you keep your dental implant in tip-top shape, our Lewis Family Dentistry dental team encourages you... read more »